
Teascopia started in 2013 and, looking back to the early days of my blog, I felt a bit nostalgic. Nostalgic for the care-free, honest and simple way of enjoying tea and writing about it. I was still probably very aware, and I remember I was, of creating interesting and valuable content while trying to articulate my ideas in a way that reflected my point of view and my own style… But I dared, my pulse was much stronger than my “fear” of showing or writing about the things that interested me. Now I feel much self-conscious and overwhelmed at times, and I think that’s in part because of social media and the constant bombardment of content that just shifts your attention to see what others do: the absolute means for distraction and discouragement. 

But despite the pros and cons of social media we already know all about, I wanted to reflect on how our motivation changes when we’re not only driven by the simple act of learning something (a craft or a hobby), but when we start thinking about showing it to others. The idea that you have to demonstrate proficiency, be original, build an audience, deliver results for others to validate or judge might make you forget what it was that made you start in the first place. I think that aiming to do better is natural and positive, that sharing our creative/learning process is also good -if that’s what we want-, as long as it doesn’t stop you from the enjoyment of it, as long as you don’t burn out and end up feeling more stressed than happy. In a world where every thing and everything is shared 24/7 it’s only natural to feel you’re missing out if you’re not keeping that pace, that you’re not doing anything because you’re not showing it on social media? But we all know that real life happens offline and it’s ok if we can’t keep up with that, we have to find a balance for our own heart and spirit and connect with our life first and foremost.

I have stopped posting for a while on my blog, I have taken many pauses not because I’m not interested in tea anymore, not because I haven’t been learning everyday, not because I have stopped writting about it, it’s just because I realise that I’m not in a race. That I’ll be learning about tea all my life and that’s what I like the most about it. I understood (and I’m writing it as a reminder here), that the most important thing for me is the enjoyment and the happiness tea gives to me, the secret universe I’ve discovered. My tea journey is pure pleasure and I have to stick to it, like a game, as if I am starting this blog all over again, as if there is space in the world for more words about the same things, as if I am learning and changing every second, because I am.

It’s a reminder to not care too much of too many things at the time, to connect with that spark that led me here, to say I’m here when I want to and to stay away when I need it. To set my pace and rhythm and be comfortable and free. We’re all allowed to do it, we’re not robots.

This is my blog, welcome to Teascopia!

Teascopia meets Tea & Narcissus

Two projects driven by the same “need” to go deeper into the world of tea.

Teascopia was born from my desire to continue learning, tasting and studying the world of tea. After being certified as a Tea Sommelier back in 2011, it was time for me to continue on my own, getting out there, working with tea, studying and writing about my journey. So Teascopia became this new space to experiment, taste and review new teas, reflect and collaborate with others. One of the best things about having a blog is the freedom it gives you to share ideas and experiences, the motivation to be continually researching and learning, and the opportunity to engage with people who have similar interests.

Tea & Narcissus, on the other hand, started as a dream of turning this journey into a brand and a product that reflects the way I see and enjoy tea. It is an online teashop with a variety of four carefully selected pure teas and six blends (my own custom-made designs), all blended by hand. I’m proud of the result and I think each one of them is very special. I like the brand to be evocative, contemplative, simple and as intimate as can be. I want the teas to be delicate, tasteful and very aromatic. These are the teas I would recommend to anyone, love to serve at home, and also like to drink.

The idea of having my own tea business started before Teascopia, but it always felt like a long-term project. However, I met the right people at the right time, which put me on the path to fulfilling this dream, for which I am extremely grateful. 

I have learnt a lot in the process of creating Tea and Narcissus and it is rewarding in every way. Something you build with time and patience, step by step, learning and pushing your boundaries every day. But this is also why Teascopia has been neglected for a while. 

As well as being an entrepreneur, I am a full-time mum and have been juggling these three parts of my life for some time now. But it’s also very exciting and I’m fortunate to be doing something I love. 

Tea & Narcissus and Teascopia will coexist as two platforms to celebrate tea with others. The first, through the exchange of ideas, tasting notes, insights and all the things that surround the world of tea. The latter, as an honest offer to the personal experience of drinking tea through a sensorial journey that I hope will become one of the small daily pleasures of many peoples’ lives.

I want to thank you all for being here, for your support and kindness, for your feedback, for everything.

I hope we can continue building this together. I am enthusiastic about new collaborations, new adventures, more connections with people and projects alike.

Thank you, thank you.


If you want to know more of Tea & Narcissus visit: www.teaandnarcissus.com


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Thank you Raphael and Wakohen for the teas. I am grateful for receiving these samples and very happy to taste such a delicious, fresh and high quality selection of teas. This is one of the best Japanese teas I have had and I would definitely recommend it to anyone!

For more information about Wakohen, please visit:


To do’s: ____________


It has been a while since the last time I posted on my blog and I just desperately wanted to write something, as the last thing I published was a Happy Holidays message back in December of last year. I can’t believe six months have passed but it really feels like yesterday. When you have a 16 months baby time flies and months feel like hours!

Besides being a full time mum, I have been working on another important project for me (that most of you already know) and that I will soon dedicate a new post to write about it, but today’s post is more like a personal reflection that I would like to share with you.

Two days ago I was saying to Ale my husband that, instead of blaming myself for not writing with the frequency I would like to or feeling bad for not being as active as I used to, I should write from where I am now. A bit like “seize the moment” kind of drive instead of trying to find the right time to do things that never arrive and then complaining about it. To be able to use what you could feel like “obstacles” as opportunities and adapt, be creative and do things in a different way. It might seem obvious but it just clicked.

So this is how it goes…

I haven’t stopped drinking tea every day but I stick to my comfort teas and drink them as swift as possible without being too ceremonial.

I drink less tea during the day because I am still nursing and I cannot drink too much caffeine, so my one or two daily cups are sacred.

Most of the times my hot tea turns into iced tea as it sits on the table for while before I can drink it.

Gaiwans are getting dusty on my pantry as I just stick to a mug/cup or a small teapot for two cups.

Japanese greens and oolongs are my number one choices these days. Pu-erhs, white and black teas are less likely to be chosen.

Rare tea findings are very well kept for those moments where I make time to prepare them properly and that is usually when I am doing reviews. (I am actually really happy as I have just received samples from Japan and I cannot wait to taste them).

I am always thinking about new post ideas that I usually write down on my notebook and not on my blog.

Sometimes I use paper filters to make tea so I can drink good tea without the paraphernalia (which means less washing and tiding).

When I have had my limit doses of caffeine I drink a cup of decaff earl grey with soy milk and it tastes like heaven!

I have expanded my tea ware collection and still have few yixing teapots waiting to be prepared before its first use.

I follow and enjoy reading tea blogs from fellow bloggers. They keep me up to date!

I celebrated my baby’s first birthday with tea. Oh, and now when you ask her: what is mum drinking? She replies: tea!

As I write this post it doesn’t feel like one task from my “to do” list but as something that I really wanted to do. I could have taken a nap as my baby is doing right now but I think I have somehow liberated myself from my own pressure of being able to do everything at the same time or the feeling of not meeting the expectations of updating my blog as I used to. It is about acceptance, I guess. There is a time for everything and this is where I am right now. As Deepak Chopra said in one of its multiple meditation messages: “I accept where I am, here and now” and I would add “and I am thankful for it”.

Happy Holidays!

A tea toast!

Six months ago I became the mother of a baby girl named Gala. Since we got the news we couldn’t stop imagining the moment we were going to meet her and have her with us. In January the 2nd she was born and our lives have been boosted with the sweetest and most loving energy we can possibly imagine!

When I knew I was pregnant I reduced tea consumption to a minimum, once in a while I would sip a bit of jasmine green or maybe an earl grey but very little. So it was a long pause for a tea lover like me but it was something that just happened that way: I didn’t want to drink too much tea and my body didn’t ask for it either.

These days I try to have one cup in the morning when time allows me. The good thing is that my husband also likes tea and either of us will find the time to do it. Although there are not long breakfast with endless cups of teas anymore and there is less time to sit down and write about it, tea is still here.

I believe there is a time for everything and even though I wish I could post more frequently and take more photos, tea is in our lives as it should always be: intimate, simple, ours.

I was meant to write about this journey few months ago but the time is just right today, the day our baby is turning 6 months old. Today we toasted with a nice Cui Yu to celebrate her arrival and had a delicious tea us three.

Tea to celebrate, to wake up, to pause, to relax, to start the day, to think, to be happy… To toast to you Gala! Happy 6 months florecita!

Korakundah Tea

Korakundah – Organic Black Tea

Late last year I received a package with two amazing teas from India. There were given to me by Naveen Murugesan -who kindly contacted me on his trip to Barcelona- and whose brother in law owns the factory in Nilgiri. Unfortunately we didn’t have the chance to meet in person but we were in touch by email until I had the package with me.

The tea brand is Korakundah, a name given after the plantation where these teas are grown and produced. According to the Australian Tea Masters, Korakundah plantation in India is the highest altitude tea factory in the world at approximately 7000 feet and they belong to the United Nilgiri Tea estates Co Ltd (UNITEA).

The two teas that I received are an organic white tea, a rarity from Nilgiri, and a classic black tea typical of this region.

Thank you Naveen for being so kind and contacting me during your stay in Barcelona. It has been a pleasure to taste these teas and to be able to enjoy many cups just for myself. I hope you enjoyed your visit and I look forward to tasting more of these delicious teas in the future.

For more information about Korakundah teas please visit:


Autumn essentials

Autumn essentials by Teascopia

Autumn is definitely one of my favourite seasons, the crisp and clear air is so refreshing and invigorating!

Even though I tend to drink more oolongs and green teas all year round and perhaps more black teas during the winter, in this season any warm cup of tea is a great option. Choosing which one to have is a very personal choice and it depends of so many things: our mood, our personal preferences in general, our day ahead and the precise demands of our tastebuds. In today’s post I just wanted to make a list of my 4 autumn all time favourite teas (+ 1 rooibos), the ones I keep repeating every year and share it with you:

  • Cui Yu Oolong: creamy, luscious, floral and aromatic, this exquisite Taiwanese oolong is a great choice for every season. It is always surprising and pleasant.
  • Mao Feng: vegetal, aromatic and sweet, this green tea is light but with lots of character. A good option for breakfast, lunch or as an afternoon tea. I like to make it a bit concentrated in a porcelain gaiwan.
  • Earl Grey: the bergamot scent of this tea is so uplifting and the blend so balanced and heart warming that I just love it. This is one of the few teas that I usually drink with a splash of soy milk.
  • Second flush Darjeeling: Aromatic, light, fruity with the characteristic charming muscatel taste that makes it an all time favourite.
  • Natural rooibos: Although I am not a big fan of rooibos, it is nice as a caffeine-free option. During these cold seasons I prefer it over a light herbal infusion. I like its silky texture and vanilla-like taste.

What are your top five for this season?

Ready for winter? 😉 xo

Bontemae in Barcelona


Few months ago I attended a Bontemae class at Matcha House Europe, in the barrio of Gracia in Barcelona. Bontemae is a “simplified” version of chanoyu, the Japanese tea ceremony, but it is still very complex, deep and difficult to perform. It is based on the same principles of the full ceremony only that it is performed in a tray on a table instead of on the tatami at the teahouse.

Our teacher was Nuria, a Japanese Spanish teacher that has been studying chanoyu for more than 20 years in Japan at the Urasenke school. We were five people around the table from which just three of us were students. Together we shared an amazing two-hour class, watching carefully, learning, practising and contemplating the grace of each movement she performed. We learnt how to clean the utensils, how to whisk the matcha, fold the “chakin” (the silk cloth) among other things, and we practised the whole routine at least couples of times. We ate our “okashi” and enjoyed every minute of the class.

One of the things I appreciate the most about the Japanese Tea Ceremony is the level of detail, the simplicity and the complexity of what seems obvious and simple; the acknowledgement of space, surroundings and the ceremony or ritual itself. The respect for everything and for everybody, the feeling of full awareness and what this all mean to you in a personal way.

I treasure every tea ceremony or class I have attended, each one has been unique and has taught me different things. I love the opportunity it provides to connect to the simplicity and the beauty of things, to share just by being there and the way it makes everything so special. It always leaves me a feeling of fulfilment and peace.

I want to finish this post with the phrase Ichi-go ichi-e (一期一会), a concept that I love that is also connected to ‘the way of tea’ that has been translated as “one time, one meeting” or “one encounter; one opportunity”. Meaning, roughly, that every moment is unique and it cannot be repeated the same way…. That always remind how important it is to enjoy life in every way possible.

Thank you Matcha House and Nuria for this opportunity, I hope we can enjoy another class very soon!



Grey’s Teas

This month I received tea samples from Grey’s Teas, a brand that I had heard of but that I hadn’t have the chance to try so far. So, I was fortunate enough to be contacted by Richard Grey, his founder, to taste and review some of their teas. I chose samples that were new for me so I could also take the opportunity to discover the brand through teas I am not familiar with.


Tai Ping Hou Kui

I find it light bodied, quite vegetal but also nutty and with toasted notes that remind me slightly to hojicha. Spinachy, a bit citrusy as well almost like lemon. Aftertaste quite toasted like tobacco and wood. Judging from its appearance, I never imagined these distinctive roasted notes coming out of this green tea.


Kenya White Lelsa Silver Tip

Wet leaves have citrusy aroma like passion fruit or tamarind. The flavour is like hay with a dark chocolate long aftertaste. The color of the liquor is yellowish, not so pale to be a white tea. Quite an interesting discovery!

Formosa GABA Oolong

Wet leaves smell like dried plum. It is very fruity and heavy in the mouth, round and velvety. Low astringency, notes of pineapple and a toasted end. And, on top of that, you get all the benefits of GABA in one cup! This formosa Oolong was my overall favourite.

Thank you Grey’s Teas for the samples, it has been a pleasure to taste them all!
