
Teascopia started in 2013 and, looking back to the early days of my blog, I felt a bit nostalgic. Nostalgic for the care-free, honest and simple way of enjoying tea and writing about it. I was still probably very aware, and I remember I was, of creating interesting and valuable content while trying to articulate my ideas in a way that reflected my point of view and my own style… But I dared, my pulse was much stronger than my “fear” of showing or writing about the things that interested me. Now I feel much self-conscious and overwhelmed at times, and I think that’s in part because of social media and the constant bombardment of content that just shifts your attention to see what others do: the absolute means for distraction and discouragement. 

But despite the pros and cons of social media we already know all about, I wanted to reflect on how our motivation changes when we’re not only driven by the simple act of learning something (a craft or a hobby), but when we start thinking about showing it to others. The idea that you have to demonstrate proficiency, be original, build an audience, deliver results for others to validate or judge might make you forget what it was that made you start in the first place. I think that aiming to do better is natural and positive, that sharing our creative/learning process is also good -if that’s what we want-, as long as it doesn’t stop you from the enjoyment of it, as long as you don’t burn out and end up feeling more stressed than happy. In a world where every thing and everything is shared 24/7 it’s only natural to feel you’re missing out if you’re not keeping that pace, that you’re not doing anything because you’re not showing it on social media? But we all know that real life happens offline and it’s ok if we can’t keep up with that, we have to find a balance for our own heart and spirit and connect with our life first and foremost.

I have stopped posting for a while on my blog, I have taken many pauses not because I’m not interested in tea anymore, not because I haven’t been learning everyday, not because I have stopped writting about it, it’s just because I realise that I’m not in a race. That I’ll be learning about tea all my life and that’s what I like the most about it. I understood (and I’m writing it as a reminder here), that the most important thing for me is the enjoyment and the happiness tea gives to me, the secret universe I’ve discovered. My tea journey is pure pleasure and I have to stick to it, like a game, as if I am starting this blog all over again, as if there is space in the world for more words about the same things, as if I am learning and changing every second, because I am.

It’s a reminder to not care too much of too many things at the time, to connect with that spark that led me here, to say I’m here when I want to and to stay away when I need it. To set my pace and rhythm and be comfortable and free. We’re all allowed to do it, we’re not robots.

This is my blog, welcome to Teascopia!


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