To do’s: ____________


It has been a while since the last time I posted on my blog and I just desperately wanted to write something, as the last thing I published was a Happy Holidays message back in December of last year. I can’t believe six months have passed but it really feels like yesterday. When you have a 16 months baby time flies and months feel like hours!

Besides being a full time mum, I have been working on another important project for me (that most of you already know) and that I will soon dedicate a new post to write about it, but today’s post is more like a personal reflection that I would like to share with you.

Two days ago I was saying to Ale my husband that, instead of blaming myself for not writing with the frequency I would like to or feeling bad for not being as active as I used to, I should write from where I am now. A bit like “seize the moment” kind of drive instead of trying to find the right time to do things that never arrive and then complaining about it. To be able to use what you could feel like “obstacles” as opportunities and adapt, be creative and do things in a different way. It might seem obvious but it just clicked.

So this is how it goes…

I haven’t stopped drinking tea every day but I stick to my comfort teas and drink them as swift as possible without being too ceremonial.

I drink less tea during the day because I am still nursing and I cannot drink too much caffeine, so my one or two daily cups are sacred.

Most of the times my hot tea turns into iced tea as it sits on the table for while before I can drink it.

Gaiwans are getting dusty on my pantry as I just stick to a mug/cup or a small teapot for two cups.

Japanese greens and oolongs are my number one choices these days. Pu-erhs, white and black teas are less likely to be chosen.

Rare tea findings are very well kept for those moments where I make time to prepare them properly and that is usually when I am doing reviews. (I am actually really happy as I have just received samples from Japan and I cannot wait to taste them).

I am always thinking about new post ideas that I usually write down on my notebook and not on my blog.

Sometimes I use paper filters to make tea so I can drink good tea without the paraphernalia (which means less washing and tiding).

When I have had my limit doses of caffeine I drink a cup of decaff earl grey with soy milk and it tastes like heaven!

I have expanded my tea ware collection and still have few yixing teapots waiting to be prepared before its first use.

I follow and enjoy reading tea blogs from fellow bloggers. They keep me up to date!

I celebrated my baby’s first birthday with tea. Oh, and now when you ask her: what is mum drinking? She replies: tea!

As I write this post it doesn’t feel like one task from my “to do” list but as something that I really wanted to do. I could have taken a nap as my baby is doing right now but I think I have somehow liberated myself from my own pressure of being able to do everything at the same time or the feeling of not meeting the expectations of updating my blog as I used to. It is about acceptance, I guess. There is a time for everything and this is where I am right now. As Deepak Chopra said in one of its multiple meditation messages: “I accept where I am, here and now” and I would add “and I am thankful for it”.


  1. Yajaira Arcas

    Gabriela, this is one of the most beautiful posts you have ever written, because it is not about tea but about life. Enjoy your baby. There will be time for more and more tea.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Daniela

    Estoy en el mismo barco! La mayoria de las cosas que escribes me pasan a mi tambien! Mi segunda hija tiene 15 meses y me cuesta tanto hacer tastings porque necesito concentrarme y no tengo cuando. Es una etapa intensa pero corta asi q aprovechar a los babies! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Gabriela Prieto

      Hola Daniela! Hace poco descubrí tu blog y me encanta y qué bonito saber ahora que estamos en la misma etapa! Yo tuve que escribir al respecto o morir en el intento!☺️ Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo, este es el momento para disfrutar con nuestros bebés y en paralelo hacer malabares para continuar cultivando y haciendo lo que nos gusta, como se pueda y cuando se pueda. Por aquí definitivamente nos seguiremos apoyando!😍 un abrazo!


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